Monday, December 26, 2011

We all dream about the satisfaction completeness, and fulfillment that finding our soul mate partner will bring. If you're a hopeless romantic then you probably share in the popular belief that we all have one perfect person for us out there in the never-ending universe. Or, you may believe that we get several "perfect" soul mates. No matter what you believe, these strategies will help you to draw your perfect soul mate closer. These strategies will give you the skills to identify your perfect lover.


1 Ask yourself, "Is this my soul mate?" The first indication comes from the connection with the other person. Have you ever met someone and it felt like you've already known them for a lifetime? Soul mate connection has a safe familiarity to it and you may naturally feel close or at home with this person.

2 Can you sit in silence with this person without it feeling uncomfortable? Do you enjoy this person's company consistently whether you are doing something exciting or while doing nothing at all? Soul mates rarely get bored in their lovers company. You should be able to spend hours entertained by only each other. This connection never fizzles--even after years of being together

3 Does this person reappear and re-enter your life at varying stages? Sometimes a soul mate travels throughout time to be with us. These encounters continue to occur until two people finally get it right and join together as a couple. This is a sure way to identify your soul mate.

4 Is the person who "got away" your soul mate? If you're still thinking about that person many years later then there's a great chance that you've just identified your soul mate

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